Understanding online audiences

Thursday, April 09, 2015: 1:30pm - 3:00pm
Monroe Ballroom (6F)

Who comes to museum websites, why, and how can we serve them better? Practitioners and researchers offer approaches for evaluating and optimizing the online experience.

Chair: Kate Haley Goldman, Audience Viewpoints Consulting, USA

Assessing the User Experience (UX) of Online Museum Collections: Perspectives from Design and Museum Professionals
- Craig MacDonald, Pratt Institute, USA

Finding the motivation behind a click: definition and implementation of a website audience segmentation
- Elena Villaespesa, Tate, UK, John Stack

From Physical to Digital, Recent Research into the Discovery, Analysis, and Use of Museums Resources by Teachers and Students
- Darren Milligan, Smithsonian Institution, USA, Melissa Wadman, Smithsonian Institution, USA