Digital Heritage Consortium for Graduate Study

Professional Forum
Brinker Ferguson, CyArk, USA, Miriam Posner, University of California, Los Angeles, USA

This graduate study consortium will provide an opportunity for graduate students to share and develop their research in a critical but supportive environment under the guidance of a panel of distinguished digital media and digital heritage professors and scholars. The goal of this forum is to build relationships with other graduate students from a range of disciplines as well as to provide valuable feedback on students' current research and on future research directions. The themes discussed will help to further the study of digital technologies and its role in transforming the cultural heritage sector.
The Consortium has the following objectives:
Provide a setting where graduate students can present their work and meet other students
Offer each student comments and fresh perspectives on their work from professors and scholars outside their own institution
Promote the development of a supportive community of researchers and a spirit of collaboration

Below please find a list of key references that students will build off of in their research:
Cameron, Fiona. Theorizing Digital Heritage. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2007.
Corrado, Edward. Digital Preservation for Libraries, Archives, and Museums. New York: Rowman and Littlefield Publishers, 2014.
Gere, Charlie. Digital Culture. London: Reaktion Books, 2009.
Gitelman, Lisa ‘Raw Data’ is an Oxymoron. Cambridge, MIT Press, 2013.
Harrison, Rodney. Heritage: Critical Approaches. New York: Routledge, 2013.
Kelly, K. “Images of Works of Art in Museum Collections : The Experience of Open Access Images of Works of Art in Museum Collections : The Experience of Open Access.” Council on Library and Information Resources. Los Angeles, Getty Museum Press, 2013.
Kwastek, Katja. Aesthetics of Interaction in Digital Art. Cambridge: MIT Press, 2013.
Latour, B., & Lowe, A. “The migration of the aura or how to explore the original through its facsimiles.” Switching Codes. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 2010. Retrieved from
Manovich, Lev. Software Takes Command. New York: Bloomsbury Academic, 2013.
Manovich, Lev. The Language of New Media. Cambridge: The MIT Press, 2002.
McLuhan, Marshall. Understanding Media. Cambridge: MIT Press, 1964.
Vesna, Victoria. Database Aesthetics. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2007.
Din, Herminia. Digital Heritage and Culture: Strategy and Implementation. Singapore: World Scientific Publishing Company, 2014.