De-centering online culture
Thursday, April 09, 2015: 3:30pm - 5:00pm
Monroe Ballroom (6F)
As cultural practices move into digital spaces, they challenge expectations and established paradigms for online power structures and economies of exchange. What role can museums play in enabling new voices, communities and conversations, and how will museums themselves be transformed in the digital realm and beyond?
Chair: Dafydd James, Amgueddfa Cymru - National Museum Wales, Wales
Community makers, major museums, and the Keet S’aaxw: learning about the role of museums in interpreting cultural objects
- Charles Zange, The George Washington University, USA
Decolonizing Architecture of Participation for the Uganda National Museum: Social Media Expressions of Ugandan Heritage Sites
- Michelle Sengara, York University, Canada, Mary Leigh Morbey, York University, Canada, Maureen Senoga, York University, Canada, Mary Pat O'Meara, York University, Canada