Museum Quality Content: Texture, Tone and Content Planning in 2015
Lightning Talkmarco braunschweiler, The Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles, USA, EMMA REEVES, MOCA Los Angeles, USA
Museum Quality Content: Texture, Tone and Content Planning in 2015
Having built the largest audience of any art institution's YouTube channel MOCAtv continues to grow and thrive. We're segueing into a new phase with the goal of integrating MOCAtv firmly into the fabric of the museum. From Reconsidering the Object of Art, A Minimal Future, WACK! Art and the Feminist Revolution to Out of Action and Helter Skelter MOCA has been a leading art institution since it's inception. This unique history and program is a result of a maverick sensibility coupled with a rigorous approach and a singular commitment to artists.
Structurally, media within the organization should take a similar approach. and accordant media are platforms that fit into the omnichannel content stream. Content is the result of a recorded idea and the website is a publishing platform similar to exhibitions, events, education and publications.
With this renewed focus on the web and content planning MOCAtv begets a second look–what exactly is museum quality content? Is it a tonally neutral mix of energetic art shots and expositional talking heads or can it be more? Can a museum's online content function just as the museum does? Can it be equal parts didactic and a repository for great works? That’s our goal.
This Lightning Talk is intended as a follow up to the previous year's presentation MOCAtv: A YouTube “Original Channel".